Tuesday, September 26, 2017


During the sixties till the nineties, one used rise up in the corporate ladder gradually with experience. There used to be a selection process in the Companies where people used to get elevated based on one practical capabilities. With the advent of Management courses that is supposed to compress years of practical experience into a two year capsule, Companies began to induct MBA graduates at senior positions giving them exorbitant salaries. This turned the tables upside down and perhaps sowed the seeds of many of the behaviours we see today.

The countless number of loosely regulated Management schools that sprung up everywhere gradually started to change the  a course of times. These probably induced change in the thinking young minds. In the family, the father and mother became casualties. The sons and daughters stopped to listen to them. The mobile phone and internet made the matters worse. The young people just  assumed to know all. Quickly parents lost their relevance. The teachers were the next. They lost the respect. Teachers were once upon a time the heroes and heroines. Now they are mere instruments who are supposed to do the job alloted to them in their profession. The schools gradually altered their exhalted role of character building to those of commercial corporates where it is more important to turn in material and immaterial profits. There is a gradual degradation of family and community institutions because their roles lost the relevance. One finds that nowadays the marriages are breaking up at the drop of a hat, and marriage itself becoming a question mark for many of the youngsters. There is a threat to the very fabric of life  In the society too, a large number of people express diverse opinions, engage in blatant loose talks and take extreme positions on issues of collective importance. Many issues are allowed to burn literally in the name of democracy and freedom of speech. One has to view one of the debates being conducted in the news channels on television to understand the harsh and untruths being spoken in the name of free speech. Sparks fly, heat is generated which pushes the mercury of tolerance to critical levels resulting in crimes. In these circumstances can one expect righteousness to happen?.

Sigmund Freud or Phillip Kotler propounded theories probably to establish a new corporate order. Einstein proposed theory of relativity which also contributed to fearsome nuclear weapons. Japanese mass production models also lead to Chinese type of cheap products. It is rarely possible for humans to direct the course of the times. But look at someone such as recent theorist J.Krishnamurthy. You will find a seeming contradiction in his theories. Hindu scriptures are by nature contradicting. It gives people not only the possible but also the vision of the negative effects of any theory. While the past cannot be controlled, the responses in the present times are in the hands of the people. Human mind has been given the power of discrimination which has to be used to decide the appropriate responses. This  is the only way to sustain the world.

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