Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Most Indian do not have enough awareness about the power of his vote because of illiteracy, ignorance among even educated people as to how our Government works.

While Electral reforms are very much overdue, till such time that such reforms see the light of the day, all that people can do is to vote wisely. I am listing below a few points which should set one's mind thinking as to how to make our Government truly representative, which is the ideal envisioned by the writers of the Constitution.

Selection of candidates : Political Parties should consider nominating its candidates based on his conduct, outlook and character.  The candidate should be educated and have a philanthropic mindset. He should be having a broad mind and show tendency for public welfare. Above all, he should be a selfless worker who has only people's welfare at heart. Needless to day, Parties should nominate candidates who have impeccable honesty and sincerity of purpose. If there is no such person available with them in a particular constituency, they should not nominate anybody and let the opposition candidate who may have a good character win. The candidate should be above the consideration of religion, caste, race or creed.

People's Choice : People should realise that their vote is very important and therefore should neither waste it nor misuse it. The following points should be considered by the voter.
- He should thoroughly examine all the candidates list ( better if there are not more than 3 or 4 to choose from )
- He should get to know each candidate, his profession and work, his social standing, educational background, and his ability and intentions. This information should be shared with his friends, neighbours and relatives. He should scan the national dailies to know about the work the candidate has done for the constituency. He should urge the neighbouring dailies to carry articles about the candidate and verify them. Here he should be wary of false showing and examine whether he is genuine.
- In the National elections, do not encourage more than 3 parties. the voter should consider only national parties of repute and standing and discourage innumerable other parties. In State elections, again, not more than 4 parties should be encouraged, two from national and two from local.
- the voter should not vote for partisan consideration. i.e a muslim should not vote for a muslim, a christian for a christian, a particular community for the candidate from that community, a particular caste for a person from his caste. These considerations have no place here. The candidate should be  anyway above all these petty considerations and is truly representative of his people.
- Any criminals if in the Candidates list should be made to loose his deposit and he should fortify his chance thereafter. 

People should demand that the channel of communication with the candidate is open even after his election. This way, any issue taken up by the representative of the people is truly that.

Every constituency should send a true representative to the parliament so that it is really becomes the rule of the people. The real issues of the people are taken up in the Parliament of the Country and critical issues which can ensure the welfare of the people are taken up for Act making. This way, the Indian Constitution is well protected and all the wings of the Government such as the judiciary, the Taxing and Finance, the Railways, Justice, and Watchdog agencies are able to discharge genuine service to the people of the Country without interference.

General Elections are due in this Country in 2014. Whoever is reading this should resolve as well spread the message so that it is a landmark election where the right candidate wins and
Country's future is in safe hands.

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