Wednesday, October 29, 2008


It was hailed in olden days that the professions of Lawyers, Doctors and Teachers are noble, because these three professions are an opportunity for man to serve mankind. Lawyers in the sphere of justice; Doctors for treatment of diseases and thereby lessen one’s pain and Teachers to impart the knowledge to children, the future men and thereby safeguard the society.

Is it true of today’s society?. In India, particularly, there is plethora of laws. But is the common man getting justice?. A visit to any civil court will give you a taste of Indian Justice system. Countless movies in India have portrayed that a common man cannot get justice. But this fact has not changed even after 60 years of Independence. True cases are pending in Indian Courts for many years. It is pointless if justice is not secured within a reasonable time. There has been no effort to overhaul the whole justice system in the Country. In the absence of knowledge of citizen’s rights, the lawyers take advantage of the person filing the case. This is an excellent opportunity for the lawyer to fleece such a person. There are lots of persons in the country suffering due to flagrant violation of justice but there has been no initiative by the lawyers to seek for proper justice.

Once upon a time, a doctor visiting our house was a respected individual. He used to put the patient at ease, reduce his or her pain and give confidence to regain one’s health. True he may not be earning in lakhs ( But he earned a lot of respect) ; he was contented and lived comfortably. Today the doctor is becoming a detestable person. Ever since the concept of Corporate Hospitals, there has been a vital change in the Doctor’ outlook. His sole motive has become one of earning money and more money. Even lakhs seem to not satisfy him. Every action becomes one of making more money like subjecting patients to countless diagnostic tests, retaining a patient for more time in ICUs or Wards in hospitals, putting the fear into the patient and his relatives so that they will agree to an unwanted surgery or treatment. The human touch is so sadly lacking. Even the nurses, an equally noble profession, have turned into mechanical robots. Both these people fail to put the patient at ease. To be in the ICU is a harrowing experience. The doctors do not tell you anything, the nurses do not tell you anything. You are left to imagine all weird things in your devious mind, lying there with nothing to do. God, save the patients from the Doctors.

Teachers used to earn a lot of respect in the olden days. The children and parents alike used to almost worship them. Much weight was given to their opinions. A teacher may remain in his school for many years while his students may travel worldwide, become much more famous. But the teacher was contented and felt proud that his student has achieved such distinction. The student, whatever high status he may have achieved in life, used to regard his teacher with reverence and respect. This profession has not been corrupted yet. But the outlook of the present generation of teachers in schools and colleges has changed in recent times. They tend to perform their duty, not as a service but as a mechanism to earn money. This profession too is falling a prey to the evils of money. The love, affection and care of the children is lacking.

What is necessary to restore the nobility to these professions?. Or is it impossible to arrest the onset of evil as in other spheres.

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