Wednesday, October 22, 2008


One of the ills of today’s society is the bad influence that TV viewing has on the children. I feel that we are not giving due concern to this problem because like global warming and vehicular pollution, this is a problem of ‘tomorrow’. We as parents, teachers, elders, citizens of a responsible society must think and act to find a solution to this evil.

Long hours of TV viewing and playing computer games can permanently damage the social fabric of our society. They are known to make the children lethargic, passive, violent and lead to other behavioral problems. Coupled with the consumption of junk foods, they can spoil their health and by the time they grow up to the age of 25-30, we can be sure of their having a whole lot of diseases and abnormalities.

What can be done to find a solution to this menace?. We, obviously, cannot ask the cartoon Companies to stop telecasting so many programmes, though doing so would qualify for discharge of social responsibility. But it is a commercial necessity. Just as we cannot ask vehicle manufacturers to stop producing so many vehicles that are responsible for emission and pollution and global warming, because for all they produce there is a demand. Put in vedic sense, people have such materialistic wants which are known to be harmful but they cannot deprive their senses. The solution will lie in spiritualizing the whole society which appears to be a mammoth task, because evil is so attractive…….

What then are the other options?. Some Organizations can come forward to start clubs which can wean away the children and make them indulge in useful activities. Such organizations do exist now, but are few and far in-between. Such clubs can provide tools, sports implements to children to involve themselves in outdoor and indoor games. For such purpose, every school ground and a school hall in the neighbourhood, which remains vacant after 4 PM, can be utilized. Various other art coaching like singing, music, dance etc.., can be conducted. Yoga, development workshops, enlightening lectures can be organized which may attract some students and imbibe them with values. All these can be provided for a nominal fee which will encourage parents in every class of society to send their children to the clubs. Since every school premise is utilized, the proximity is ensured which can help even very young children.

I am sure many people will come forward to volunteer for such activities for some time everyday without any financial consideration. This can help them to exhibit their hidden talents also. I shall be personally happy to offer my services for such a service for some time every day in a nearby place. Some other people can contribute with more ideas to find a solution to this problem and help alleviate what can become a menace of unmanageable proportions.

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