Wednesday, November 3, 2021


Miracles are some things everyone wishes all over the world. They do happen with the right expectations and when time is ripe. 

India has been through a torment for the last 800 years with many marauding and exploitative rulers. After its Independence in 1947 from servility to incompatible rulers , the pangs of infancy did not allow its people to breathe a sigh of relief. 

But for the past few years, roughly from the turn of twenty first century, if one were to observe closely, some miracles seem to happen, something beyond human capabilities. In my opinion, the first to happen was the arrival of a yogi, a renunciate, and a perfect representative of Sanatana Dharma. I am referring to Swami Ramdev. While many may criticize him, I, for one, will not. He was dropped from nowhere into the life of common people in this country. It is from him that age-old culture of Yoga became famous all over the world. His prime motive was to regenerate the richness of Indian culture. His sleight of hand in commercial segment  by which, within a handful number of years, he established a ₹30000 crore corporate empire, a task by any means a miracle. Not only this, this empire was established within the current dispensation with the motive that profits are distributed to the society's welfare. He aided the  rediscovery of the beauty of Ayurveda, again a gem of Indian culture. There were Ayurvedic manufacturing Companies and hubs in this Country even before, but they were secluded and under tight wraps. His life itself could be the epitome of a true Yogi, a near ideal soul in the parlance of Veda, what with his service to the society, preaching people on the right path to take, curing illness etc… 

The second phenomenon is Modi, who began to come to the scene at around the same time. He again is a renunciate, a true Yogi, a representative of Sanatana Dharma,  practically if not literally. Things seem to evolve somehow by which some conditions became favorable and he could come to occupy a position of Authority in the Political sphere. Another principle of Hindu Dharma, the Karma Yogi is the principle here. His only concern became the welfare of his people, his Country. All else seem to fall in place. His pro-activeness in introducing reforms, welfare measures without people asking for or expecting is stupendous. His policies covered everything both external and internal. He brought the attention of the world to the richness of Indian culture that gave rise to some awe among the world powers. Under him suddenly, everyone from bureaucracy to political opponents started to fall in line..  By some magical dispensation, a team of people of shared values, joined his Government (cabinet ministers) as well as advisory Institutions ( PMO, Niti Ayog). His task of cleaning up both Mind (anti-corruption) and body (swachh Bharat) helped to correct a whole lot of wrongs of the past several years. Of course, there are Ravans and Duryodhans of the society to be tamed. And subjects to be protected from evil enemies. But, these are an ongoing process and will take the stipulated duration. 

In Hindu religion, we have read about epics and stories of God or God-sent  men to chastise the world. I am sure that posterity will judge these two personalities and may award the term Avatars or Messiahs. While, as per scriptures, Kali Yug is a wicked period, it gives hope that even in such an environment, God shall protect the virtuous.